Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A day of going thunk

Several weeks ago husband and I went on a date.  It was glorious to get out and enjoy the sun and good company.  We headed south to check out the archery range at the game preserve.  This time with bows in tow!

Despite it being a Saturday with weather to die for, we had the place to ourselves.  And what a place it is!  The front/static range has 10 targets ranging from 10 to 60 yards.  As neither of us had gotten much string time in the last year we started at the 15 and 20 yd range.  Just to make sure things were going well and to knock off the rust.  We did well, hitting the targets at least, if not precisely where we hoped.

Then we headed over to play at the the 40-60yd ranges.  Well...this is where the rust started to show!  My first bolt fell well short and the husband didn't fare much better.  My second gave a resounding thunk.  Unfortunately it wasn't the nice soft thunk of a good target bag hit.  Rather the hard, worrisome think that meant I had hit the wood frame.  At that point, I expected to lose a tip at least, if not have a broken bolt.