So, Ive been catching up on reading blogs and articles that I missed in my month of crazy. Part of that for me is reading the opinions on both sides of the firearm rights issues. I was taught very early (thanks Mom and Dad!) that to have a worthwhile and intelligent conversation or discussion, you have to try to understand where the other person is coming from, why they believe what they believe.
To that end, Joan over at CommonGunSense Blog* wrote a post that I finally couldn't resist commenting on because it seems to counter her frequent statements that she doesn't want to ban guns, just have 'common sence' laws in place. I want to try to understand how these views and other statements aren't contradictory for her.
I am not trying to start anything, I'm not trying to be antagonistic or inflammatory. I really do what to understand why and what she believes is the solution to end all 'gun violence'**.
Here is my comment to Joan, we'll see if it gets posted.
"I am trying to understand you viewpoint. To that end, could you please clarify for me a couple points?
1) You state that "Law abiding gun owners are law abiding until they are not...These are people who are NOT prohibited purchasers and can buy guns legally from FFLs." Do you then believe that no one should have guns on the basis that they might become violent in a stressful or anger-inducing situation?
2) If as you have stated previously, you do not wish to ban firearms all together, what are the common sense laws you wish to have in place that would prevent otherwise law-abiding gun owners from becoming criminals in the situations you mentioned? "
Well, my comment did get posted and this was the response:
"My views are contained in my blog posts and don't need to be further explained. I have done so many times on this blog. "
I understand not wanting to repeat oneself a million times. But I have read many (admittedly not all) of the post on the blog. I still don't feel that I understand the answers to the questions I posed. Never have I seen what laws Joan feels should be enacted, nor do I understand how she can argue that gun owners are law abiding until they are not (fair statement really), but then not explain how to prevent them from crossing that line? Or at least prevent them from having guns available when they do.
I guess I am doomed to fog in this. I tried to be nice and ask so that I could understand and maybe find some common ground. I guess I am just a "idiot gun owner" since I needed clarification.
*Oy what a title. It seems to be designed to provide the message that anyone who disagrees with her is lacking in common sense. Considering how often she sprinkles in comments about gun owners intelligence and gullibility, I suppose that's the point.
**I really do hate this term. Why not just refer to shootings? Why does it have to be 'acts of gun violence'?