Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Back! (I hope)

I know I went AWOL there for a while.  Sorry about that.  Research ate my life!  The joy of grad school is that there is not off time, working 24h days for several weeks is perfectly viable.  But, now that my abstract is submitted for this summer's conference I think I'm back to the land of blogging.

One of my fabulous co-workers

Y'all didn't really miss anything while I was quiet, no life = no time for shooting or thinking about shooting, or having any fun really.  But there are plans afoot to get to the range this week.  Maybe multiple times if I sweet talk my husband. 

I have several post drafts that were started in my time away, I'll be trying to get those finished up and out this month too.

Yay for having a life again!


  1. Somehow, I suspect getting out the the shooting range with Paul won't take much sweet talk. ;)

  2. I have to say, I hardly think Paul will need much convincing. :)
