So, Bud's started doing Ladies nights a couple months ago. I was finally able to make one fit into m schedule and talked several friends into joining me. So, Monday we all rushed home from our respective jobs, took care of the important stuff, and said goodbye to the boys.
Our informal poll showed that all husbands were jealous of our night at the range and getting to try out lots of guns.
At the range we found seats in the second to last row (the elementary teachers had snagged the last row!) and settled in. The night started with Tony giving a brief intro to why safety, awareness, protection is important in today's world. His 'soap-box' as he called it. Nothing new for me, a lot of the same ideas Mr. Nutritionist covers in his women's self defense courses.
Then we went over firearms safety, stance, grip, aiming, etc. A good overview, but a bit scattered, I'm thinking that this will get better/more focused as they do this format more. I'm sure that they are used to doing this in longer amounts of time than an hour.
Of the 27 people at the event, about a dozen had shot at all before, and about half of those were rifles, etc at summer camps or such many years ago. Only 4ish of us had any significant time on a range.
After our safety and basic handling instruction, we headed out to the training range. There were 16 guns for us to try out, several pistols, some .22 and .380 semi-autos and several 9mm. You know where I headed right? Yes, straight for the 9mm section to see what they had that I hadn't tried yet! I did also try a revolver, just so I could say I had, since I have no experience with those yet.
We all rotated in and out trying different things, I think we all tried 4-6 firearms each. M reaffirmed that she really isn't ready to deal with anything larger than a .22, S had a blast with just about everything (except the revolver, but we'll get to that), and A fell in love with the same gun I did!
We only got 5 rounds for each time up to shoot at about 7 yards, not really enough to get a feel for a gun, but enough to know if you were interested in more or not. Plus by the end of the night you couldn't easily tell your holes in the target from anyone else's.
So, what did I play with you ask? Tune in tomorrow to find out!
Awesome! Can't wait to hear more!