Sunday, November 13, 2011

The big questions: WHY?

Why do I want my own handgun?  We have two in the house that I am perfectly capable of shooting accurately, even if I don't 'love' them.

Short answer, I just do.  Long answer, well...

1) I enjoy shooting for sport.  I like shooting skeet and clays with a shot gun and have found that target shooting with a pistol is also quite enjoyable.  It's a new skill that takes time to master, and I like mastering skills.  Especially practical ones.  Skills are easier to master if you have equipment that is yours; suitable, and comfortable for you.

2) My husband shoots.  We like doing things together (novel I know!).  I can't continue to shoot his guns all the time if we shoot together.  Plus, I feel more invested in our time together if something is mine and not just hanging with him while he shoots.

3) Safety.  This one gets raised eyebrows on occasion.  Not a lot among our close friends, but they tend to think the same way.  If I have a gun that's mine, I can carry it with me.  I'm not often in scary places, but who knows where life will take me.  Better to be prepared with the skill, knowledge, and equipment before I actually need it.

This is where the debate arises for many people.  "Why/where would you need a handgun?"  "The police are there to protect you if needed."  "Would you really shoot someone and if not, why carry?"

All of these are things I've heard and they are valid questions.  I could answer them with my opinions, but being a scientist, I'm going to take the time to research some of the fact, figures, etc behind the issues and report back to you all here.  Consider this fair warning of numbers and statistics to come!

What questions have you run into when people learn you own/carry guns?  How do you answer them?

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