Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Successful Disassembly!
I have to admit, I've been a girly-girl about cleaning so far.  Paul was happy to do it and I was happy to let him.  But one of the requirements for the KY CCDW was being able to clean my own gun.  I knew how to clean the Beretta, it's super easy to take apart.  But, I wanted to shoot the class with the Glock, thus I had to be able to take it apart and put it back together.

Well, let me just say thank you, thank you, thank you to Kathy at Cornered Cat.  I tried several times to get the Glock apart the way Paul did with his big man hands, but I just couldn't make it work. At one point I was about ready to say I'd shoot the Beretta since I could break it down.  But, I finally remembered seeing an article on cleaning Glocks by Kathy, so I pulled it up and had the Glock in pieces in about 2 minutes!  If anyone else is having trouble taking apart their Glock, I highly recommend her instructions. I had it apart in no time during my CCDW class last weekend.

Actually, I think I can now take it apart faster than Paul!  Though it's still harder than the Beretta.  But it's clean and I can keep it that way.  I used a whole pile of q-tips and wipes to get it clean this time.  I blame the magical carbon fairy!  Black gunk kept appearing in places I knew I'd cleaned!

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