To prepare I've been looking up the Kentucky laws and requirements online. I'll summarize those for you tomorrow. I also made one last trip to the range to make sure I'll pass on Saturday. Kentucky requires 11 our of 20 rounds to hit the torso of the target at 7yards. I don't think I'll have any problems with that, but I'd really rather have all 20 in! I plan to use our Glock 21 as it's the gun I'm most comfortable with right now.
In Kentucky,the CCDW course is fairly simply compared to many of the other sates that I've looked at. There is 6 hours of classroom instruction which covers the relevant laws, safety, and other basics. The shooting requirement is what I described above. Other than that, it's all paperwork and a background check, which takes 3-4 months apparently.
After passing and getting my CCDW liscence I'll be allowed to carry quite a list of items:
- A weapon of mass destruction;
- Any weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious physical injury, may be discharged;
- Any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or hunting knife;
- Billy, nightstick, or club;
- Blackjack or slapjack;
- Nunchaku karate sticks;
- Shuriken or death star; or
- Artificial knuckles made from metal, plastic, or other similar hard material
I'm sure there will be pictures and stories and info and everything else all next week. Stay tuned!
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