Thursday, November 3, 2011

Review: Glock 21

We acquired this gun recently in a trade and I really enjoy shooting it.

  • Length: 7.59 Inches
  • Overall Width:1.47 Inches
  • Barrel Length: 4.6 Inches
  • Line of Sight: 6.77 Inches
  • Weight (unloaded):26.28 Ounces
  • Weight (loaded): 38.28 Ounces
  • Caliber: .45 auto
  • Capacity: 10
  • Height: 5.47 Inches
  • Action: Safe Action
  • Trigger Pull: 5.5 Pounds (ours was lightened, but I don't know what to)

I wasn't sure I'd like this the first time out.  It's a .45, larger than anything I'd ever shot.  However, I loved it.  It is comfortable in my hand and very much a point and shoot for me. I don't feel the recoil as much from this gun as I do from my husband's 9mm Beretta. It comes right back down onto target after each shot.  Simple and crisp.

It's a bit large for my hand, so that I have to shift the gun to hit the mag release, but I don't have any trouble holding it or getting my finger on the trigger.  It fit's the husbands hand well also, which is good since we share everything!

Husband doesn't love that it does not have an external safety, but other than that, we both really like this gun.  I can get fairly tight groups (for the beginner that I am) at 7yards.  We'll see how it goes as I shoot further.  (I'm getting ready for the CCDW test which is at 7 yards)


  1. Glocks are great firearms and were I going into a combat situation, they would be on the top few of my choices. However, having said that, I've never been a big fan of the way they feel. They shoot awesome and are simply wonderful in every way.. yet I have an issue with them. This is strange since I currently carry a Kahr CW9, which is a similar firearm.

  2. Chuck, everyone I talk to says the same thing. That being that guns are very personal, they either feel right or they don't. Every hand is different and when you get the right gun into your's you'll know. I got to try and Smith and Wesson this weekend that was lovely in my hand. I'll be looking at more in the future for sure!
